Weather Trends and Patterns
In this lesson, the children will observe and collect weather data to identify weather patterns.
In this lesson, the children will observe and collect weather data to identify weather patterns.
In this lesson, the children will explore changes in matter as they mix and cook pancakes.
In this lesson, the children will make predictions and use LEGO blocks to measure objects in their environment.
In this lesson, the children will classify different animals based on where animals live in the neighborhood.
In this lesson, the children will observe different HEXBUGS to predict how they might move through a block maze.
In this lesson, the children will make a list of possible pets and discuss responsibilities for a classroom pet.
In this lesson, the children will examine water as it evaporates over time.
In this lesson, children will explore concepts of force and motion while experimenting with slides.
In this lesson, children will gather observational data about a variety of squash and pumpkins and explore what is inside of these vegetables.
In this lesson, children will measure the time that it takes to move quickly versus moving slowly.