Archives: Lessons

Marble Maze

In this lesson, children will design, create and test out a marble maze. 

Let’s Build A Boat!

Children will design and build a boat with recycled materials that can float and hold a small bear 

Building a Strong House 

In this lesson, children will design and build a strong house that will not be “blown away” 

Be a Magnet Detective!

In this lesson, children will be magnet detectives as they investigate and experiment with magnetic forces.

Smells So Sweet

Activities that engage a child’s sense of smell can also help develop a child’s sense of taste and language skills. In this lesson, children will learn how to use their sense of smell as an important observational tool.

Be the Bird, Build a Nest!

In this lesson, children will read the book, Mama Built a Little Nest, by Jennifer Ward and use their own engineering skills with loose parts to create a nest to hold their egg.

Force Can Push or Pull

In this lesson, children will explore force and motion concepts as they play with boxes and objects found around the classroom.

Painting With Wind

In this lesson, children will blow paint through straws to investigate the relationship between wind force and velocity.