About our blogger
Diann Gano, M.Ed
Diann Gano, M.Ed
Diann Gano—who opened her family child care program, Under the Gingko Tree in 1986—has long believed that “the earth gives us what we need to learn” and that nature is “the perfect environment for little brains to grow and learn in every day.” While conducting research for her master’s thesis on outdoor learning in early childhood settings, she learned about the Nature Explore Classroom Certification Program, which recognizes schools and other organizations that have made a commitment to providing outdoor classrooms and comprehensive programming to help children use the natural world as an integral part of learning. She enrolled in the Nature Explore Classroom certification program after completing her master’s degree in 2010, and Under the Ginkgo Tree was certified as a Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classroom Program in 2011.
A member of the Erikson Family Child Care Portal Project Advisory Board, Gano has also participated in the Erikson Institute’s Early Childhood Leadership Summit and served as a webinar panelist for Town Square Illinois, an online resource and professional development tool for home-based providers. She has presented at the local, state and national levels on topics such as indoor and outdoor learning environments, the importance of loose parts in early math education and the impact of immersion in the natural world on brain development in young children. In 2016, Gano was honored as a recipient of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Child Care Innovator Award for creating a school environment that inspires children to become more active and engaged learners. In May 2019, she received the prestigious Terri Lynn Lokoff/Children’s Tylenol National Teacher Award, which honors 50 outstanding early child care professionals across the nation each year for making a lasting difference in the lives of the children they serve and setting them on a path to success in school and in life. She received her BS in liberal arts from Western Illinois University and her MEd in education from St. Mary of the Woods College in Indiana.
“Rowan, I see a bug! It’s a beetle!” Parker calls out from across the playground. “Quick, can you bring me a bug box?” Rowan runs to the sandbox with a bug box in hand. “Oh wow!” she exclaims. “That looks like a six-spotted tiger beetle. They are usually super fast. He must be hurt […]
“Amara, come play with me!” five-year-old Leila calls out, beckoning a younger classmate over to the light table. Shy but intrigued, Amara joins her older friend. Just like that, another round of STEM-based exploration begins! I watch as Leila scoots over to make space for her quiet friend and the two girls begin to […]
“I’m making a concert venue,” announces one of the loose-parts tinkerers in my workshop. I look over to see what she’s talking about and, sure enough, there it is: A stage, a backdrop, and an entertainer complete with a microphone, drum set, and drumsticks. The “audience” in the venue includes a music lover […]
Winter is a magical time of year, full of wonder and excitement. On this particular day, the air is crisp and cold, and a special kind of magic is in the air: static electricity! To take advantage of this teachable moment, we’ve embarked on a scientific investigation that involves a classroom full of preschoolers, […]
Crash! The Magna-Tiles that the children have been stacking against the window come crashing down to the floor. “Fast fail!” shouts Mallory. “I think that was a fast-FALL!” quips Noah, our resident punster. The children giggle and pick up the tiles to restart the stacking process—but only after they share their ideas about […]
What happens when you pair three preschoolers with a table full of stackable people blocks? A child-led scientific investigation! This out-of-the-way corner of our early childhood center is unusually quiet this morning as these friends gain insights into concepts such as gravity, balance, and weight, and build their spatial awareness skills. This is the scientific […]
Four-year-old Jordan is deep in thought and uncharacteristically quiet. When Jordan—one of our more rambunctious early learners—is this quiet, he is either sleeping or engaged in a scientific investigation. I walk over to see what has captured his attention. Sure enough, Jordan is engaged in an impromptu physics experiment, which involves placing a piece of […]
“Did you hear that? shouts Arden, our resident naturalist. “I just heard an owl, and it’s not even bedtime!” he reports, his eyes as big as saucers. “He must be really hungry to be hunting this early in the day.” “Are you sure it wasn’t our mourning doves?’ I ask. The mourning doves nest in […]
“I think we should try it this way.” Katerina is sharing an idea with her friends in the sandbox. “The sand is too dry,” she explains. “We need to dig deeper to get to the wet sand down below. If we use the wet sand on the bottom, I think the castle will be stronger […]
“Look at all of the helicopters! It’s like they are raining down on us,” exclaims four-year-old Hope. “Let’s catch them!” Whether you call them whirlybirds, twisters, whirligigs, or propellers, they have been swirling everywhere in our neighborhood this month. These helicopter seeds from the giant maple tree next door are named for their amazing aerodynamic design, […]